I Keys to delivering capacity on the distribution grid Eurelectric represents the interests of the electricity industry in Europe. Our work covers all major issues affecting our sector. Our members represent the electricity industry in over 30 European countries. We cover the entire industry from electricity generation and markets to distribution networks and customer issues. We also have affiliates active on several other continents and business associates from a wide variety of sectors with a direct interest in the electricity industry. We stand for The vision of the European power sector is to enable and sustain: A vibrant competitive European economy, reliably powered by clean, carbon-neutral energy A smart, energy efficient and truly sustainable society for all citizens of Europe We are committed to lead a cost-effective energy transition by: investing in clean power generation and transition-enabling solutions, to reduce emissions and actively pursue efforts to become carbonneutral well before mid-century, taking into account different starting points and commercial availability of key transition technologies; transforming the energy system to make it more responsive, resilient and efficient. This includes increased use of renewable energy, digitalisation, demand side response and reinforcement of grids so they can function as platforms and enablers for customers, cities and communities; accelerating the energy transition in other economic sectors by offering competitive electricity as a transformation tool for transport, heating and industry; embedding sustainability in all parts of our value chain and take measures to support the transformation of existing assets towards a zero carbon society; innovating to discover the cutting-edge business models and develop the breakthrough technologies that are indispensable to allow our industry to lead this transition. • • • • 2 3 4 5 • • • • ➔ ➔ • • • 6 7 • • • 4 5 8 • 9 • • • • • • 10 • 6 11 • • • 12 • • • • • • • 13 • • • • 14 • 15 • • • . 16 • 17 18

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