02 03 低碳院 2022 年可持续发展报告 报告规范 NICE 2022 SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT REPORT Report Scope 报告规范 Report Scope Time Frame From January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022; some contents may go beyond this time frame briefly as needs dictate. 时间范围 2022 年 1 月 1 日 -2022 年 12 月 31 日,部分内容根据披露需要在时间范围上作适度延伸。 组织范围 本报告覆盖北京低碳清洁能源研究院及所属单位,为便于表述和阅读,报告中“低碳院”或“我们”均指北京低 Scope of Organization This report covers the National Institute of Clean-and-Low-Carbon Energy and its affiliated units. For simplicity purpose, the National Institute of Clean-and-Low-Carbon Energy is referred to as "NICE" or "we" (unless otherwise indicated in the text), and the China Energy Investment Group is referred to "China Energy", or "Group" in the report. 碳清洁能源研究院(内文另有所指除外),使用“国家能源集团”“集团公司”“集团”等称谓代指国家能源投 资集团有限责任公司。 References 参考标准 Guidance on the Performance of Social Responsibility by Central Enterprises issued by the SASAC of the State Council 国务院国资委《关于中央企业履行社会责任的指导意见》 中国社会科学院《中国企业社会责任报告指南(CASS-CSR4.0)》 全球报告倡议组织(GRI)《可持续发展报告指南》(GRI4.0 版,GRI-standards) 国际标准化组织《ISO 26000 社会责任指南(2010)》 Guidelines on Corporate Social Responsibility Reporting for Chinese Enterprises (CASS-CSR 4.0) issued by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Sustainability Reporting Guidelines issued by Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) (GRI Version 4.0, GRI standards) ISO 26000:2010 - Guidance on Social Responsibility issued by International Organization for Standardization The UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 联合国 2030 可持续发展目标(SDGs) The Publication Cycle 发布周期 本报告是北京低碳清洁能源研究院第二次向社会公开发布企业履行社会责任的报告。北京低碳清洁能源研究院社 This report is NICE's second release on its social responsibilities to the public. This report is published annually. 会责任 / 可持续发展报告为年度报告,发布周期为 1 年。 Data Disclaimers 数据说明 本报告所用信息及数据均来自低碳院正式文件和统计报告。报告中的财务数据以人民币为单位,特别说明除外。 The information and data used in this report are from the official documents and statistical reports of NICE. The financial data in the report are in RMB unless otherwise specified. Further Reading on NICE 延伸阅读 您可以通过以下方式获取低碳院更多信息 You can have more information about NICE through the link below. 网站:https://www.nicenergy.com/dtyww/index.shtml 04 Website: https://www.nicenergy.com/dtyww/index.shtml 05 低碳院 2022 年可持续发展报告 院领导寄语 NICE 2022 SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT REPORT Greetings from NICE’s Leaders 院领导寄语 Greetings from NICE's Leaders 列星随旋,日月递照,万物苏生,得养以成。大自然是一切 之责,统筹推进科技研发与成果转化、历史遗留问题解决、 生命的摇篮。十八世纪 60 年代,工业革命的到来给人类创 管控效能提升、谋划改革发展、人才队伍建设、品牌文化建设、 造了巨大物质财富,也打破了地球生态系统原有的循环和平 加强党的领导和建设等各项工作,较好完成了年度目标任务。 衡,其中,气候变化以及由此引起的一系列问题更是给人类 Guided by its low-carbon vision, NICE is always keenly aware of its mission and responsibility. The 20th CPC National Congress has outlined a grand blueprint for the comprehensive advancement of China's modernization and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, and has highlighted the bright prospects for the energy development with Chinese characteristics. NICE has both thoroughly studied and implemented the guiding principles of the 20th CPC National Congress, while continues to strengthen the "Four Consciousnesses", and insists on the "Four Confidences" and adheres to the "Two Upholds". We have accurately comprehended and earnestly implemented the party committee's decisions and arrangements for scientific and technological innovation from NICE. We rejuvenate ourselves for the drives to "reform and innovate", we firmly carry on the responsibility of being "pioneers in innovation", and we systematically promote scientific research and development and its commercialization. We are also determined to resolve any lingering issues left, to improve management efficiencies, and to map out NICE's reform and development by continuously building its talent teams, strengthening its brand and culture, and reinforcing the party leadership so as to have effectively achieved the annual objectives and deliverable targets. 生存和发展带来了严峻挑战。2020 年 9 月,以习近平同志 为核心的党中央提出“2030 年前实现碳达峰、2060 年前实 现碳中和”这一重大战略目标,为全球环境治理、人类文明 永续作出了中国承诺,提出了中国方案。 The stars align in rotations, the sun and the moon take turns shining, all things revive and thrive. Nature is the cradle of all life. In the 1760s, the down of the industrial revolution created huge material wealth for human beings and broke the original cycles and balance of the earth's ecological system. Among them, climate change and a series of problems cascaded down by this change have brought stern challenges to humans' survival and sustainability. In September 2020, Pres

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